DAF systems will have a smaller footprint than a settling system as there is more active movement in a DAF system. It is an indoor system as it should not freeze. The timing of any chemical additions for aggregation of soils must be carefully considered as it will take time to properly bind the solids. If they are added too close to the DAF, full flocculation will not occur and that chemical will be wasted.
- Mundi, G. S. (2013). Assessment of Effective Solids Removal Technologies to Determine Potential for Vegetable Washwater Reuse (Master's thesis). NovemberRetrieved from https://atrium.lib.uoguelph.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10214/7737/Mundi_Gurvinder_201312_Msc.pdf?sequence=3
- Komline-Sanderson. (2015). Applications. In Dissolved air flotation. Retrieved December 14, 2015, from http://www.komline.com/images/tab_DAF_app.png